In Spring of 2016, TRORC’s Board adopted the Clean Water Advisory Committee (CWAC), which advises activities and policy development regarding the Ottauquechee River, White River, Ompompanoosuc River, Waits River, Connecticut River, and their tributaries. The CWAC also advises on related plans and programs, such as stormwater, groundwater, wetlands, and stream stability. The CWAC provides local and regional input regarding project priorities and water quality issues of importance to the region.

Specific duties include:

  • guiding TRORC’s assistance to Vermont ANR in the development of tactical basin plans;
  • technical assistance and data collection activities to inform municipal officials and the State in making water quality investment decisions;
  • regional planning and assistance with adoption or implementation of municipal development regulations to better meet State water quality policies and investment priorities;
  • assistance to Vermont ANR in implementing a project evaluation process to prioritize water quality improvement projects within the region to assure cost effective use of State and federal funds;
  • petitions for reclassification and designation of surface waters; and,
  • work on Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) processes.

The CWAC serves in an advisory capacity to the TRORC Board of Commissioners.

