Sealed Proposals will be received until 2 P.M. on Tuesday, March 7 at the Hancock Town Office, 1027
Vermont Route 100, Hancock, VT 05748. This project is described as follows:

LOCATION: Town Highway 1 (Churchville Road)

TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Construction of new town highway bridge to replace existing culvert on
Churchville Road (TH1) in Hancock, VT. Work includes removal of existing culvert including associated
concrete headwalls, wingwalls and inlet apron; and construction of new 26’-4” wide x 39’-0” long
reinforced concrete slab deck bridge on cast-in-place concrete abutments, re-grading of roadway
approaches, and all associated road, bank, stream and erosion control work. Temporary by-pass road is
not required.

PRE-BID MEETING: Potential Bidders are required to attend a mandatory pre-bid meeting scheduled for
Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. at the Hancock Town Office. All in attendance will travel to
the project site (approximately 0.4 miles up Churchville Road, off VT Rte 100, Hancock, VT) at the


PROJECT PLANS AND BID DOCUMENTS: Electronic plans and bid documents will be available on Works
in Progress website and the Vermont Business Registry by end of day Friday, January 20 and paper
copies of plans and bid documents will be available at the Hancock Town Office by 3:30 pm Monday,
January 23, 2017.

This project is funded by a Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery through the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (DR-IG-2014-Hancock-00009), and the State Granting
Agency (Agency of Commerce and Community Development). The grant is an agreement between the
State of Vermont and the Town of Hancock. Federal compliance requirements include the Davis Bacon
Act, including its prevailing wage and reporting requirements. Davis Bacon construction wage rates for
VT150044 01/02/2015 VT44 will apply. Additional compliance is required with all other applicable
federal labor requirements including the Copeland Anti-Kickback Act and the Contract Work Hours and
Safety Standards Act. The selected contractor will be registered with and not be on the
Federal or State of Vermont debarment list. This grant is funded by an equal opportunity/affirmative
action agency. All qualified bidders will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion,
creed, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation or familial status. Women, minority-owned and
Section 3 businesses are encouraged to submit bids. The Town of Hancock reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.