Out of 37 grant applications in this years round of Better Roads Grants, 27 were awarded in the TRO Region! In an effort led by Senior Transportation Planner Rita Seto, a total of $514,673 in grant funds were awarded to most of our member towns. The projects ranged from planning grants to construction grants, where the planning grants are a large part of the new Municipal Roads General Permit set to take effect in 2020. TRORC staff will be conducting road erosion and culvert inventories in 9 of our member towns this 2017 field season, with four already lined up for the 2018 field season. These Towns include Bridgewater, Corinth, Stockbridge, Strafford, Norwich, Pittsfield, Granville, Hancock, and Vershire. 2018 field season Towns include Braintree, Chelsea, Randolph, and Sharon. The 2018 field season Town list will grow from next years applicants.
16 construction grants were awarded in the Towns of Bradford, Braintree, Chelsea, Corinth, Hartford, Plymouth, Pomfret, Sharon, Thetford, Stockbridge, Strafford, and Woodstock.
For a complete list of awards across the state (listed by RPC), click here.
Staff Contact
Rita Seto, Senior Planner