Just how fast can a community be revitalized?
AARP Vermont is collaborating with Andrew Howard of Team Better Block<http://www.betterblock.org/> to implement a Community Demonstration Project in one Vermont community in 2016. The Better Block approach to revitalization begins with temporarily transforming a single block into a vibrant destination that illustrates the potential for new business, safer streets and improved livability. Check it out by watching this short video clip<https://www.streetfilms.org/the-better-block-celebrates-four-years-transforming-communites/>. We are working with Team Better Block to illustrate how simple modifications can powerfully alter the economic, social, and ecological value of a community by gathering designers and community volunteers together to create a weekend intervention. Built with community talent and resources over a weekend, the result is a vision for an authentic place and the momentum needed to make it happen permanently.
Now Accepting Proposals – Deadline Friday, April 22, 2016. Community matching funds are not required but a strong commitment from local officials, partners and stakeholders to participate in the demonstration project. The RFP and Application are attached.
Learn more about this exciting opportunity for your community by joining AARP and Team Better Block for the Vermont Community Demonstration Project Webinar:
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
1:00 pm | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 1 hr CLICK HERE TO REGISTER <https://aarp.webex.com/mw0401lsp13/mywebex/default.do?service=1&siteurl=aarp&nomenu=true&main_url=%2Fmc0901lsp13%2Fe.do%3Fsiteurl%3Daarp%26AT%3DMI%26EventID%3D421835212%26UID%3D0%26Host%3DQUhTSwAAAALP-pX2ZD6SxNGHJyahcqwIsJ97jYH3F8G_2iIvjDkkTPsPkXSyYOEid8BtiykJes32nAE5JdOGpNJTTD0dY7S60%26RG%3D1%26FrameSet%3D2>
Meeting Number (enter): 749723484
Complete link: https://aarp.webex.com/aarp/j.php?RGID=ra6fb33fefc78d445d925bb5720abd80f
The objectives of the demonstration project are to help participants:
* Recognize how placemaking and community design influence successful aging, health, economic vitality and overall livability.
* Provide an expanded toolkit to draw from to build healthier more vibrant communities.
* Emphasis will be made on complete streets initiatives to demonstrate multi-modal infrastructure and placemaking concepts that can be practically applied within the community.
Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
Kelly Stoddard Poor I Associate State Director of Outreach
199 Main Street, Suite 225, Burlington Vermont 05401 [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> I Office: 802-951-1313 I Mobile: 802-393-9187