Upper Valley Pollinator Partners
UV Pollinator Partners is a coalition to promote awareness of the decline of native pollinators and to inspire actions to reverse this decline. Use this link for the current list of partners, including towns, Upper Valley conservation organizations, garden clubs, school groups, and others.
Poster and Calendar for Pollinator Events
Our Poster is formatted to download for posting or sharing. There is also a Calendar of event information with the latest information and details for each event. Some pollinator events will be planned later in the spring and information for all new pollinator events will be placed in the Calendar and on the homepage of the Hanover Biodiversity Committee. Both will be updated as needed.
Pollinator Gardens (coming soon)
This link has details about the National Pollinator Garden Challenge and a list of nearby pollinator gardens to visit in the Upper Valley. We will create a list of the new pollinator gardens as they are created in 2017.
Key Websites & Research Articles on Native Pollinators
Several websites are devoted to information about pollinators. Also there are links to recent research on the decline in native pollinators, pollinator nutritional needs, habitats, pesticide role in decline, native pollinator role in agriculture and related implications for biodiversity.
Pollinator Plants
Sources of seeds, pollinator plant vendors, lists of pollinator plants.
Creating and Improving Pollinator Gardens
Tips for creating gardens, meadows, roadside gardens and more
Pollinator Gardens for Schools
Checklist for creating school gardens. We are growing native plants for students to install in school pollinator gardens.
Resources for Educators
Links to classroom materials, handouts and more for schools and teachers.