For Immediate Release

East Central Vermont Economic Development District Exploring the Power of the Creative Economy

Two Rivers‐Ottauquechee Regional Commission hires creative economy experts to develop a 40‐town Creative Economy Inventory and Action Plan

(Woodstock, VT, 2/1/16)—The Two Rivers‐Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC), on behalf of the East Central Vermont Economic Development District (ECVEDD), has hired Michael Kane Consulting to conduct a 40‐town district‐wide Creative Economy Inventory and Action Plan over the next six months.   Over the past fifteen years, there has been a growing understanding of the economic importance and potential of the region’s creative assets—its creative talent, enterprises, and organizations.  To understand the full scale and potential impact of the creative economy in the towns served by the ECVEDD requires an examination of the linkages between the region’s creative talent and creative enterprises and other key clusters that are critical to the region’s economic future. Through extensive data research and a series of meetings, one‐on‐one interviews and focus groups, the ECVEDD will gain an understanding of the needs of the employed and self‐employed artists, performers, writers, and food craftsmen and cultural organizations and the commercial businesses that also are part of the creative economy such as architecture, design, advertising firms, and film enterprises. This information will be invaluable in formulating state policy and regional initiatives.

The Creative Economy Inventory and Action plan is funded by TRORC and the U.S. Economic Development Administration and implements an action step identified in the ECVEDD Comprehensive Economic Development Plan.

The first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 3 in Randolph, Vermont. For more information about this Creative Economy Inventory and Action Plan, contact Loralee Morrow at 802‐457‐3188 or via email at [email protected].

The Creative Economy Inventory and Action Plan is being prepared by TRORC for the ECVEDD, a federally designated economic development district. ECVEDD is a partnership between TRORC, Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation, Springfield Regional Development Corporation and Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission.