The Cultural Facilities Program awards grants up to $30,000 to assist Vermont nonprofit organizations and municipalities in expanding the capactiy of existing buildings to provide cultural activities for the public.

Is your organization planning to apply for a Cultural Facilities Grant this year? If so, we encourage you to attend a grant seeker workshop.
The workshop schedule is as follows. All workshopes will be held from 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 25: Morristown Centennial Library, 7 Richmond Street, Morrisville
Wednesday, March 2: Rockingham Free Public Library, 65 Westminster Street, Bellows Falls
Monday, March 7: Vermont Folklife Center, 88 Main Street, Middlebury
Applicats are encourage to attend one of the workshops. RSVP here or call Troy Hickman, 802.828.3292.