Municipal Roads General Permit
What’s with ALL that ROCK in the DITCH? (Handy Brochure outlines details below!)
The large proportion of roads in TRORC’s region are gravel, which involves a wide range of erosion problems that impact surface water quality. These issues include gully erosion, stream channel erosion, sedimentation, stream incision, unfiltered conveyance of runoff, and the prevention of aquatic organism passage due to undersized structures. For these reasons, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) developed the Municipal Roads General Permit which requires towns to address their road erosion problems in the form of a Road Stormwater Management Plan.
The Municipal Roads General Permit is intended to achieve significant reductions in stormwater-related erosion from municipal roads, both paved and unpaved. Municipalities will implement a customized, multi-year plan to stabilize their road drainage system. The plan will include bringing road drainage systems up to basic maintenance standards, and additional corrective measure to reduce erosion as necessary to meet a TMDL or other water quality restoration effort. The permit is required by Act 64, the Vermont Clean Water Act, and the Lake Champlain Phase I TMDL.
For more information on the DEC Municipal Roads program and the development of the Municipal Roads General Permit, contact Chad McGann by email or at (802) 636-7239.
- Municipalities shall submit Annual Report on April 1 of each year.
- Municipalities shall complete a Road Erosion Inventory Reassessment by October 31, 2027.
- REI Amendment Form – Due by October 31, 2027.
- $240 Administrative processing fee due with the submittal.
- MRGP Administrative Compliance Status
Permit Documents
- Final Municipal Roads General Permit
- Response to Comments received during the public comment period.
Road Stormwater Management Plan (RSWMP)
Municipalities shall complete a Road Stormwater Management Plan (RSWMP) by October 31, 2027. The RSWMP consists of the municipality’s Implementation Table and results of the Road Erosion Inventory.
- Inventory results from mid-2018
- Road Erosion Inventory Forms
- Road Erosion Inventory
- Paved Roads with Catch Basins (REI Supplement)
- Paved and Gravel Roads with Drainage Ditches (REI Supplement)
- MRGP methodology page and FAQs for REI app
- Road Erosion Inventory
Assistance Documents
- MRGP presentation
- Intermittent Stream Culvert Sizing Guidance
- Methodology for determining GIS-derived municipal roads hydrologic connectivity proximity analysis
- Summary Sheet
Permit Fee Information
MRGP fees are established by the Legislature. The current fee schedule, 3 V.S.A § 2822, is available on the legislative website here. The sections relevant to the MRGP can be found beginning at 3 V.S.A § 2822 (j)(2).
- $240 Administrative processing fee due with the submittal of the Road Erosion Inventory and REI Permit Amendment form, if not already submitted. This was due December 31, 2020.
- $500-$1,800 Prorated annual operating fee (see prorated annual operating fee link for amount for your municipality). This is due before April 1 of each year.
- Prorated MRGP Annual Operating Fees
- Municipal Road Miles and Population for MRGP fees
Staff Contact
Rita Seto, Senior Planner
802-457-3188 ext. 3004