- When:
June 8, 2016 all-day
America/New York Timezone
- Where:
Judd Hall
VT Technical College
Randolph, VT 05061
- Categories:
- Workshops/Training
Vermont faces numerous water quality challenges attributable to human activity. Wastewater management, stormwater runoff from impervious surface associated with roads, homes and businesses, drainage from farm fields and logging roads, and historic hydrologic modification of our streams and rivers all impact current surface water conditions. Act 64, Vermont’s 2015 Clean Water Act, validated that healthy waters are essential to our economy, health, property values, recreation, fisheries and wildlife, and the Vermont brand. Vermont Environmental Consortium’s 5th annual Water Quality Conference will highlight the tremendous opportunity for innovation in water quality management by showcasing a wide-range of efforts currently underway in Vermont to protect, restore and enhance clean water.
Panel A: Wastewater-
* Peecycling – Fertilizer from Urine, Rich Earth Institute
* Development of Community Wastewater Loan Program to Fund multiple, Decentralized Wastewater Systems in Waitsfield
* Large-scale Water Recycling at Cabot Creamery’s Vermont Facilities
Panel B: Storm water-Roads & Developed Land-
* VTrans Better Roads Program and Municipal Roads Permitting
* VAPDA Green Infrastructure Tool Kit, RPC Initiatives for Water Quality
* Burlington’s Integrated Water Quality Management Planning Effort
Panel C: Agriculture-
* Treating Subsurface Tile Drainage to Address Phosphorus Pollution
* St. Albans Community Biodigester Project
* Connecticut River Farmers Watershed Alliance
Panel D: Resiliency-
* Transportation Resilience Planning in Vermont
* Community Resiliency Organizations, Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaption
* Quintown Collaborative to Improve Flood Resiliency in the Upper White River Watershed
* Subject to change
Registrations for attendees and exhibitors will be open shortly. Please mark your calendars to attend this conference and discuss this important issue. Questions regarding events can be sent to [email protected] or call 802-747-7900.