November 12, 2019 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Thompson Senior Center
99 Senior Ln
Woodstock, VT 05091

Our region is participating in a housing study called Keys to the Valley. The Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission, Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, and Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission are partnering to better understand the housing challenges facing our communities and to develop strategies for tackling those challenges. Please join us to learn more about the project and share your experiences with housing issues in the region.

Following this talk, Deanna Jones will present on the Homeshare Project. The Thompson Center is training to be a Homeshare satellite office. Homesharing can be a rewarding way to find housing and connect people who are living alone and willing to share a home as long as they meet the basic requirements. Come to this talk to learn more on the benefits of homesharing.