November 15, 2016 – November 16, 2016 all-day America/New York Timezone
University of New Hampshire, Memorial Union Building
NH 03824
Other Meetings

Effective stormwater management is a challenging, yet increasingly
important, component of municipal water systems. Municipalities can
realize long-term savings and achieve social benefits with an
integrated water management approach. This forum will highlight
tools, financing options, and local examples to address stormwater
compliance costs and help municipalities become more financially
and environmentally resilient.
Forum topics will cover integrated stormwater management for
municipalities including:
 Maximizing the economic and social value of municipal water
resources, and minimizing the costs of stormwater control;
 Creative financing strategies that leverage a variety of funding
sources to augment municipal stormwater budgets;
 Practical steps to accurately estimate short- and long-term
municipal stormwater needs.
Who Will Benefit from Attending? Municipal administrators,
planners, public works officials, community leaders, technical
assistance providers, and regional funders.
Registration is Free!

A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Holiday
Inn Express in Durham, NH for this event. The deadline
for booking is Nov. 1.

Free lodging is available for the first 20 community/utility
registrants in need of assistance.
Meals provided:
Day 1: Breakfast, Lunch, and Refreshments
Day 2: Breakfast and Refreshments

Our address is:
New England Environmental Finance Center • University
of Southern Maine • Edmund S. Muskie School of Public
34 Bedford Street, PO Box 9300, Portland, ME 04104
[email protected]