May 24, 2022 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Meghan Asbury

In collaboration with the Vermont Creative Network (VCN), Two Rivers-Ottauquechee
Regional Commission (TRORC) is hosting two opportunities to participate in virtual forums
for people and businesses in the Creative Economy that were impacted by Covid19.
Both forums will be conducted via Zoom and contain the same information.

Forum Registration Link: https://bit.ly/3cvt_forum1

Please make sure you are registered prior to joining the forum

Attendees will:

  • Hear from the TRORC, 3CVT, and VCN team on upcoming business trainings
  • Connect with other people and businesses in the Creative Sector
  • Receive access to economic recovery resources

Once registered, attendees will receive a link the meeting and to a Google Doc that
attendees can use to enter their questions, provide comments, and share
resources. We will use the contents of the Google Doc to guide the forums.
Please insert your questions and comments prior to joining your selected forum.