June 13, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Bethel Town Hall
318 Main St
Bethel, VT 05032


The Vermont Transportation Resilience Planning Tool (TRPT) is a statewide web-based application that identifies bridges, culverts and road embankments that are vulnerable to damage from floods, estimates risk based on the vulnerability and criticality of roadway segments, and identifies potential mitigation measures based on the factors driving the vulnerability. The tool uses innovative technology to categorize flood vulnerability in a way this is accessible by technical and non-technical audiences. The TRPT is designed to inform a range of applications and stages of decision-making that include:

  • Project Scoping
  • Site Assessment
  • Capital Programming
  • Hazard Mitigation Planning
  • Tactical Basin Planning
  • Corridor Planning
  • Project Implementation

Participants in this training will learn how to navigate the tool, apply the results to prioritize needs, and inform the development and evaluation of alternatives to mitigate flood vulnerability.

How to register:

State/Municipal/RPC staff with a VT LMS Account: Register online.

Email the Regional Host RPC and provide:

  • Contact information (Name, Affiliation, Email and/or Phone)
  • Confirm the session date of interest
  • Contact: Rita Seto, TRORC ([email protected]; 802-457-3188 x3004 )