- When:
September 20, 2016 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
America/New York Timezone
- Where:
Sharon Elementary School
75 VT-132
Sharon, VT 05065
- Cost:
- Free
- Categories:
- Other Meetings
The Vermont Agency of Transportation has evaluated alternatives to improve, expand, and/or replace the existing Exit 2 park and ride facility.
They are sponsoring a public meeting to obtain public input on the alternatives. Please attend and provide your input.
A draft scoping report with a description and evaluation of the alternatives is available on the following link: Sharon_Park_and_Ride_Scoping-Report.pdf
If you are unable to attend and have comments/questions, please contact Gregory Edwards, Project Manager, Stantec Consulting, 802-864-0223 or [email protected].
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