September 22, 2021 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm America/New York Timezone
Thompson Senior Center
Senior Ln
Woodstock, VT 05091

TRORC will hold its next meeting

 Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

at the Thompson Senior Center, West Woodstock VT

and via Zoom (see call-in instructions below).


Proposed Agenda


  1. Call to Order/Approval of Agenda/Introductions/Public Comment on items not on the Agenda – 6:30 p.m.


  1. Acceptance of the June (audited), July (unaudited) and August (unaudited) Financial Reports (attached).


  1. Keys to the Valley – Implementation (attachment). Kevin Geiger will lead a discussion on the top priorities for implementing the Keys to the Valley Housing Initiative that TRORC has been engaged in with two other regional planning commissions over the last 18 months.  Concurrence with these priorities, or some variation on these, will guide our Legislative work and our next phase of the campaign.


  1. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) (summary attached). Sarah Wraight has been the lead staff person in advising municipalities on the use of these federal funds.  She will go over the details and answer questions about the attached summary.


  1. Staff/Commissioner Updates
    1. Commissioner Items
    2. Staff additions and changes
    3. Legislative Updates
    4. TRORC Projects


  1. Adjournment – 8:00 p.m.





NOTE:  If you are unable to attend, please notify your town’s other representative so he or she can attend.  Thank you!


The next TRORC Board Meeting will be held on October 27, 2021.   A full packet and agenda will be sent out to Commissioners in mid-October.



Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 827 4828 0927

Passcode: 499369


Dial by your location

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        +1 651 372 8299 US (Minnesota)

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        +1 470 381 2552 US (Atlanta)

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        +1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)

        +1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)

Meeting ID: 827 4828 0927

Passcode: 499369

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/keygS1n5pp