- When:
July 1, 2020 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
America/New York Timezone
Public Hearing Notice
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission
Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 10 a.m.
1-470-381-2552, Access Code 91533386138#
Notice is hereby given by the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission of a Public Hearing to be held for the purpose of hearing comments on proposed amendments to the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan. Comments are encouraged, especially as in regard to the amendments being consistent with the goals of Title 24 V.S.A. section 4302. The Regional Plan covers all lands within the towns of Barnard, Bethel, Bradford, Braintree, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Chelsea, Corinth, Fairlee, Granville, Hancock, Hartford, Hartland, Newbury, Norwich, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Pomfret, Randolph, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, Strafford, Thetford, Topsham, Tunbridge, Vershire, West Fairlee, and Woodstock. A copy of the latest proposed amendments to the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan, as well as previous proposals, are available for review on the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission’s website: www.trorc.org. Comments may be given in person at the ZOOM hearing, or prior to the hearing by 9 a.m. on July 1, 2020 in writing to TRORC, 128 King Farm Road, Woodstock VT; or via email to [email protected]. Email submittals should put “RP Comments” in in the subject line.
The original notice outlining all changes to the Plan was sent on June 6, 2019 for public hearings on July 10 and July 11, 2019. Subsequent notices detailing further amendments were sent for public hearings on September 25, 2019 and October 30, 2019. The hearing on October 30, 2019 generated additional proposed changes and outlined below is a list of section headings of the Regional Plan chapters that have amendments proposed that are in addition to the previous notices:
- Land Use
Under Act 92, this Board is legally allowed to host electronic meetings due to the COVID-19 situation. If you need accommodations for this meeting, please contact Peter Gregory at [email protected].
Dated May 28, 2020, Woodstock, Vermont
Gerald Fredrickson, Chair
Peter G. Gregory, AICP, Executive Director