VT DEMHS RPC Information –
Please find the attached Requests for Proposals and application forms from the following Working Groups:
Working Groups:
- Law Enforcement Equipment
- Special Operations Equipment
- Operation Stonegarden Equipment and Details
- GMU-202w Application Word with Guidelines- July 2015 with eligibility – OPSG Detail
- GMU-202w Application Word with Guidelines- July 2015 with eligibility – OPSG Equip
- GMU-202w Application Word with Guidelines- July 2015 with eligibility – LE
- GMU-202w Application Word with Guidelines- July 2015 with eligibility – Spec Ops
- OPSG FY16 Detail RFP 012516 FINAL
- OPSG FY16 RFP Equipment 012516 FINAL
- LE FY16 RFP 012516 FINAL
- Spec Ops RFP Memo 012516 FINAL
DEMHS will be hosting outreach sessions throughout Vermont. Below is a list of locations and times. These sessions will provide an overview of how the Homeland Security Grant Program works, allow you to answer questions regarding the funding opportunities for FFY16 and get assistance on completing the application.
Outreach Session Dates, Times and Locations:
- February 1, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Williston Town Hall, 7900 Williston Road, Williston
- February 2, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Rutland County Sheriff’s, 88 Grove Street, Rutland
- February 8, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Royalton State Police Barracks, 2011 VT RT 107, Bethel
- February 9, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Derby State Police Barracks, 35 Crawford Road, Derby
The Requests for Proposals will also be posted on the DEMHS website today, as well. They are currently converting from our old website to our new site. We anticipate this will happen quickly. In the meantime, you may assess the attached documents on our current website: https://hsu.vermont.gov/funding. I will send another email with the updated link when the new website is live.
All completed applications are due to Deb Hamilton ([email protected]) by 3 p.m. on Monday, February 29th. No late or incomplete applications will be reviewed by the Working Groups. If you need assistance in completing the applications, please contact Jessica Stolz.
Contact Jessica Stolz for more information
Homeland Security Section Chief
Division of Emergency Mangement and Homeland Security
45 State Drive, Waterbury, Vermont 05671-1300
Office: (802) 241-5094
Cell: (802) 595-1463
Fax: (802) 241-5615