There will be four locations that may be close to you. It is the same presentation at each. Rain and temps this weekend my lead to ice breakup, and if not, then there is another storm later next week. There is above average water in the snowpack.
Thursday, April 3, 1:00 – 3:00 pm at 61 Valley View, Suite #2, Mendon. North side of US 4 by the apple orchard in Mendon.
Monday, April 7, 1:30 – 3:30 pm at Lyndon Public Safety Building. Exit 23 on I-91, take US 5 north about 1.7 miles it is on the right.
Wednesday, April 9, 10:00 am to noon at Ethan Allen Room of Capitol Plaza (right across from the Capitol), 100 State St., Montpelier
Thursday, April 10, 10:30 am to 12:30 at Martin Memorial Hall, 5259 US 5, Ascutney. Just north on US 5 off of I-91 at exit 8.
Interagency Regional Ice Jam/Spring Flooding Seminar
PURPOSE – The purpose of this seminar is to provide local jurisdictions and regional entities information about the conditions that could result in ice jam and Spring flooding in their respective areas and possible proactive measures to mitigate the impact of that flooding.
- Introductions (DEMHS lead) – 5 min
- National Weather Service – conditions expected (best case/worst case) for both flooding and ice jams – 10 min
- Agency of Natural Resources – how rivers responds to those conditions, residual stability and debris concerns – 10 min
- Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory – where does history tell us we can expect bad things to happen with ice jams? Is this year any worse than other years? – 15 min
- Agency of Transportation – road system impact, detours – 10 min
- DEMHS – 30 min
- Post incident documentation
- Protective actions – local input (What have you done before? What would you do now?)
- Additional considerations
- Questions/wrap-up