Managing Hayfields to Support Nesting Birds – Saturday, June 3 from 8:00-10:30 am
70 Cossingham Road, Norwich, VT
RSVP: [email protected] – Rain date Saturday June 10
8:00 am Bobolink banding—see them up close.
Rosalind Renfrew and Cathryn Abbott, Vermont Center for Ecostudies
9:00 am Managing invasive plants in hayfields under delayed mowing
Allen Follensbee, Vermont Department of Forests Parks and Recreation
9:30 am Incentives and tools to support bird-friendly hayfield management
Sylvia Harris, Natural Resource Conservation Service
10:00 am Stewardship opportunities on conserved lands
John Roe, Upper Valley Land Trust
A Workshop for Landowners, Land Managers, and other Land Stewards
Parking: Third (and last) house (red) on Cossingham Road. Overflow parking
on right at trailhead “Park here for Trails” sign, 1/8 mile before house.