(Woodstock, VT)— The Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) hosted its Annual Meeting joined by Commissioners and guests from across the TRO Region. The event was hosted to celebrate and highlight some of the fantastic work being done by TRORC to enhance the region’s quality of life over the past year.
Monique Priestley of Bradford was awarded TRORC’s Volunteer of the Year Award. Her nominator, Nancy Jones, the Chair of the Bradford Conservation Commission, noted Monique’s tremendous personal investment in time and energy in making a difference in her community and the people that live there. Jones noted her many accomplishments and awards and how her impact is felt way beyond the Town of Bradford. Monique is passionate about her community and doing her best to serve it. TRORC congratulates Monique Priestley!
TRORC also elected officers for the coming year: Jerry Fredrickson, Chair (Barnard); Bill Emmons, Vice-Chair (Pomfret); Nancy Jones, Treasurer (Bradford); David Brandau, Secretary (Royalton); Nancy Malmquist, Member (West Fairlee); and Bill Edgerton, Member (Stockbridge). TRORC Commissioner At-Large members were also elected: Jennifer Colby (Agriculture), and Ken Alton (Business), Beth Long (Housing), Meghan Butts (UVLSRPC), and Meg Emmons (Youth).
TRORC also adopted a budget for the fiscal year that allowed the awarding of eight, $1,000 college scholarships to deserving high school seniors. This is the fourth year TRORC has been able to invest in the education of our future leaders.
TRORC provides professional planning, mapping, facilitation, grant writing, and project management services for its thirty member towns in east-central Vermont.
For more information, contact Peter Gregory at 457-3188 or via email at [email protected]