The Vermont legislature established the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Communities pilot grant program in 2018 with the passage of Act 194. The program’s purpose is to make grants from $10,000 up to $100,000 available to help one or more Vermont communities fully leverage their local outdoor recreation assets to achieve a status of being a truly “outdoor recreation friendly community” as envisioned by the Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative (VOREC) steering committee. VOREC’s goals are to:

  • Grow the outdoor recreation related business opportunities
  • Increase participation in outdoor recreation activities
  • Strengthen the quality and extent of outdoor recreation resources
  • Increase stewardship of outdoor recreation resources

Grant funding can be used for a variety of purposes with the result being a community(ies) that can show measurable success supporting and growing their local economies through leveraging outdoor recreation. The successful community(ies) will be showcased as prototypes (aka “Pilots”) for a longer-term community designation program with the goal of raising the economic tide for all recreation-oriented communities.

Grant Guidelines and Application (PDF)

Please email a complete PDF file to [email protected] NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 14, 2018. If you cannot email a PDF, hard copies must be received no later than 5 pm on December 14th at the following address:

Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation
1 National Life Drive, Dewey 2
Montpelier, VT 05620
Attn: Becca Washburn