May 9, 2019 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am America/New York Timezone
Bethel Town Hall
318 S Main St
Bethel, VT 05032
TAC Meetings


1. Introductions.

2. Approval of Mar. 14 minutes

3. Emerald Ash Borer: Impacts to Ash Trees and to Municipalities – Mike Parisio, Forest Health Specialist, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation
Dead and dying ash trees along the public right-of-way and in public places, such as parks and schools, pose a significant risk to public safety. Municipalities will bear the responsibility and costs of removing and/or treating public ash trees, as well as any replanting efforts. Mike will present on signs & symptoms and information on how to identify these, municipal planning for EAB and some management options for municipalities, with some info on budgeting and infested wood disposal and some case studies of communities already working on or implementing response plans here in VT.

4. Emergency Relief Assistance Funds refresher/Federal Aid Secondary Roads – Rita

5. Other business
• Better Road awards (anticipate announcement early May hopefully)
• Municipal Roads Grants in Aid Year 3 & Equipment Grants
• VTrans Bike Ped Grant
• VTrans Municipal Highway & Stormwater Mitigation Grant

Future meeting topics? Next meeting on Thursday July 11, 2019
Municipal Bridge Maintenance & Management
o A town’s legal management responsibilities
o An explanation of the state’s inspection program, process and reports. vtculverts.org
o Safety related to bridge maintenance, working over water, dust, lead, and paint
o Routine maintenance practices, cleaning, deck and structure
o Weight limits, posting, enforcement, signage

View the official pdf agenda here