Ask Us
A main part of our mission at TRORC is to answer our member town’s questions. We have had a lot of these over the years and have put some of the most common questions and their answers on this site for your convenience. Of course, if your question is not on this list, give us a call or drop us an email.
Most questions we get that have easier answers center around procedural issues. These are often guided by state law found in Chapter 117 of Title 24. You can use this state website to find the text of laws. Many other questions really depend on what bylaws actually say. Copies of local bylaws (if available) can be found under the “Member Towns” menu.
Many questions around land use come to us from local Planning Commissions, Development Review Boards (DRBs) and Zoning Administrators. Other questions about town government and roads largely come to us from Selectboards and road crews. Act 250 and energy facility (Section 248) questions usually come from applicants and abutters. Citizens and others are often interested in maps and data. Lastly, planning, like any other field, has its own jargon and acronyms.We strive to minimize using jargon or at least we explain what it means.