Transportation Program
Based on the Vermont Agency of Transportation’s (VTrans) Transportation Planning Initiative Manual and Guidebook , 19 V.S.A. §101, a collaboration between VTrans and the eleven Vermont Regional Planning Commissions, this Work Program seeks to implement the Regional Transportation Chapter. In 2013, TRORC is in the process of updating their Regional Transportation Chapter. The Transportation Work Program (Rita can send you PDF) details all the tasks that will be implemented in the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Region. For details on the transportation planning services offered, please see below.
As the Regional Commission has 30 communities that range in population from 300 to 10,000, this carries a dramatic variation of work tasks and responsibilities. There are also work efforts to support transit providers and nonprofit/governmental groups dedicated to providing a similar range of transportation infrastructure and services to their constituencies.
TRORC has a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) that advises on regional transportation issues with representatives from each community in the 30 town region, a representative from VTrans and up to five “at-large” members. Part of their work includes an annual prioritization of regional transportation projects which helps VTrans to prioritize their work across the state. More information about the TAC’s meetings, agendas and work can be found here.
Most of the grants related to town highways come from VTrans town highways/structures and alternatives programs as well as the Better Roads Grant Program, but there may be other opportunities, such as for disaster recovery. Click here to see a guide to funding sources for towns. Please call our office if you need assistance.
Transportation planning services include, but are not limited to, the following:
Regional and State Planning
- Regional Transportation Plan
- Corridor management plans
- Transportation modal planning (e.g. Bicycle and pedestrian, public transportation, freight, rail, intermodal, etc.)
- Scenic preservation planning
- Legislative reports and reviews
- Annual transportation project prioritization
- Participation in Act 250 proceedings
- Support State transportation planning activities
Town Planning and Implementation
- Town plan transportation chapter and maps
- Traffic studies/analysis
- Strategic planning
- Regulations and standards
- Public involvement and education
- Safe Routes to School program support
- Project development
- Grant writing
- Municipal project management
Transportation Infrastructure Planning
- Town bridge and culvert inventories
- Town road erosion inventories
- Town road inventories (e.g. Road Surface Management System)
- Traffic counts (i.e. volume, vehicle classification or speed)
- GPS and GIS services
- Capital planning and budgeting
Active Statewide Planning Projects
Staff Contact
Rita Seto, Senior Planner
[email protected] – 802-457-3188 ext. 3004