TRORC Strategic Plan
In 2013, the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) embarked on the creation of a ten-year Strategic Plan. The purpose of developing this Strategic Plan was to step back from our day-to-day activities and reflect on what we were doing and it if was helping us to achieve our mission as we strive to provide a high level of service to our communities. This Strategic Plan differs significantly from our Regional Plan, HUD Sustainable Communities Plan, and other plans. Those plans are more about policy, whereas the Strategic Plan is more about how we go about our business.
The 2013 plan has been updated in 2022. TRORC’s mission remains to advocate for the needs of member towns, and to articulate a vision for building a thriving regional economy while enhancing the region’s quality of life. How we implement the plan and focus on priority areas is our next task.