Regional Energy Plan
TRORC Energy Implementation Plan
TRORC has formally received its Determination of Energy Compliance Certificate from the Department of Public Service, effective October 30, 2020.
- TRORC Certificate of Energy Compliance
- TRORC Regional Determination Standards
- Determination of Energy Planning Compliance
Town data and maps are available on the town pages
Department of Public Service Act 174 Regional/Municipal Standards and Guidance
- ACT 174 Recommendations and Determination Standards
- Standards Overview
- Regional plan standards checklist
- Municipal plan standards checklist
- Guidance for Regional Plans
- Guidance for Municipal Plans
Generation/Grid Constraints
- Who’s who in Vermont’s electrical system?
- ISO New England real-time maps and charts
GMP Online Maps
Online Planning Map
These maps are designed to initially identify areas. Follow-up on-site work is required to verify the areas are feasible for projects. They are subject to revision and are NOT intended to green-light or fast-track projects. These areas also do not indicate local or regional support, as they are simply state-generated maps. Municipal plans or the Regional Plan may have additional unsuitable areas, may have generated their own constraints, and may designate ‘preferred areas’ which are not shown at all on these maps.
- Unsuitable Areas – Includes FEMA Floodways, National Wilderness areas, and Class 1 wetlands. These areas are not shown in the constraint or prime areas.
- Constraint Generation Areas – Constraint areas include generation potential areas that may impact the siting of renewable energy generation facilities but do not necessarily preclude their development. This includes areas such as source protection areas, deer wintering areas, habitat blocks, prime agricultural soils, etc. These areas are identified as locations with potential on the maps but are colored to identify that they have a possible constraint that might have an impact on development potential. These areas are shown on the maps as constraints. Additional areas with known constraints supplied by DPS are not shown on the map as orange but are not precluded as unsuitable. The EIP text intentionally does not distinguish between known or possible constraints as both areas may be feasible to develop on a case by case basis.
- Prime Generation Areas- Include generation potential areas that have raw potential and that are not identified in an unsuitable or known constraint area. This map is not an indication these areas have local or regional support for projects. These are not to be confused with ‘preferred areas’.
- Raw Generation Areas- Include initial generation potential areas on the maps that may have unsuitable areas or constraint areas present.
The areas that show the known and possible constraint areas are also available below on the map.
- Known Constraints (shown as one solid layer): Vernal Pools (confirmed and unconfirmed layers), DEC River Corridors, FEMA Floodways, State-significant Natural Communities and Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species, Wilderness Areas, including National Wilderness Areas, Class 1 and Class 2 Wetlands (VSWI and advisory layers)
- Possible Constraints (shown as one solid layer): Agricultural Soils (VT Agriculturally Important Soil Units), Hydric Soils, FEMA Special Flood Hazard Areas, ANR Protected Lands, Act 250 Agricultural Soil Mitigation areas, Deer Wintering Areas, ANR’s Vermont Conservation Design Highest Priority Forest Block Datasets: Connectivity, Interior, Physical Land Division
Open Energy Planning Map in new tab with controls
DPS TRORC Adoption Resources
The Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) requested a determination of energy compliance pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 4352.
The Department of Public Service (Department) held a public hearing to collect input on the plans on September 5, 2017 at Vermont Law School in South Royalton, Vermont.
On September 27, 2017, the Department issued its Determination of Energy Compliance for the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Plan and Regional Energy Implementation Plan.
- Department’s Cover Letter
- Department’s Final Determination – 24 V.S.A. § 4352 Determination No. 4