TRORC Services Survey 2022
Services Survey Results
The TRORC Services Survey was designed to gather member-town input on what additional staffing and expertise towns might want or need, and how they might see TRORC’s role in filling some of those gaps. Proposed types of TRORC involvement included TRORC creating a shared-service position to be contracted with multiple towns, TRORC helping create individual or shared in-town positions, or towns obtaining services on a one-off basis directly from TRORC. Survey responses will inform TRORC’s services offerings to member towns and influence staffing and training decisions.
The Survey was open from September 1st to September 26th, 2022, and was sent to town managers, town administrators/administrative assistants, zoning administrators, selectboard chairs, and planning commission chairs via mail and email. Responses were received from 38 town officials, representing more than 21 of the region’s 30 member-towns and all corners of the region. Twenty-eight respondents provided their town name and contact information, and 16 requested a follow up discussion and more information.
The most requested positions were: Grants Manager, Town Planner, and GIS/Mapping Coordinator. For these, and most positions, the most popular type of position was Option 1– Shared, wherein TRORC creates, fills, and houses the position and contracts with towns to cover their needs. Towns most frequently requested direct services like grant identification and management, mapping, bulk purchasing, and brokering joint emergency service contracts. About one-third of respondents were interested in human resources support from TRORC, mainly general support, but also including health insurance contracting.
Full survey results may be found here.
Questions may be directed to TRORC Executive Director Peter G. Gregory by phone: 802-457-3188 ext. 3002, or by email: [email protected].