GIS Service Center
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission serves as a regional GIS service center, providing GIS, GPS, and other mapping services to our 30 member towns in Vermont in Orange, Windsor, Rutland and Addison counties that encompasses 1,100 square miles of east-central Vermont.
TRORC has been using GIS technology since 1989. We provide GIS services to TRORC towns and staff on projects that involve transportation, land use, and natural resources planning, emergency planning, and community and economic development. The GIS program includes creating, maintaining and updating data layers for parcel mapping, zoning, land use, transportation, natural resources and utilities planning. TRORC is responsible for technical data and application design, field data collection and coordination, documentation, conversion, spatial and tabular analysis, and management of regional demographic and economic data.
TRORC’s mission is to provide technical assistance to our member towns. Projects include town plan mapping, zoning mapping, field GPS collection, thematic mapping of natural, cultural and transportation resources, and limited GIS software support.
Parcels, Imagery and Lidar Data and Maps
TRORC 2020 Regional Future Land Use Areas
Protected Lands and Forest Blocks
TRORC’s Online Map and Data Portal (includes zoning data)
ANR Natural Resources Atlas (All layers)
VT E911
An online catalog of maps for our communities is available in the “Member Towns” section of our web site, under the relevant town. PDF files of 11×17 black and white town road name maps are downloadable free of charge. If you need printing services, please contact TRORC. Please note that there may be fees associated with the printing of any maps.
Staff Contact
Pete Fellows, GIS Manager
[email protected] – 802-457-3188 ext. 3009