Policies and Procedures
TRORC operates under bylaws, as well as many policies and procedures. There are updated regularly as needed. The policies and procedures provided below are examples that communities may want to refine and use, as well as a mechanism to ensure transparency in the way TRORC operates.
- TRORC Clean Water Advisory Committee
- Act 250 Involvement Procedure
- Land Use Area Designation Procedure
- TRORC Abuse Policy
- TRORC Accounting Procedures
- TRORC Asset Capitalization Policy
- TRORC Bylaws 2022
- TRORC Procedure for Public Comment
- TRORC Code of Conduct
- TRORC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolution
- TRORC Donations Policy
- TRORC IT Policy: Email, Internet & File Retention
- TRORC Fraud Prevention Policy
- TRORC Fund Balance Policy
- TRORC Organizational Chart
- TRORC Procurement Procedures
- TRORC Services Policy
- TRORC Strategic Plan
- TRORC Investment Policy
- TRORC Title VI Plan
- Subrecipient Oversight Monitoring Policy
- Non Profit FAQs