Executive Director
Peter G. Gregory, AICP
Peter was appointed Executive Director by the TRORC Board in 1997 and manages the professional staff of the organization. Peter, under the direction of the Board, guides the organization, motivates and supports the staff and implements Board adopted policy. Peter interacts with town, state and federal levels of government in pursuit of the mission of TRORC. Active advocacy on behalf of member towns and with the Vermont Legislature and Vermont’s Congressional delegation is key to matching the needs of our towns with resources. Peter spearheaded the effort at being designated as an Economic Development District by the US Economic Development Administration. When he is not trying to be the most responsive public sector employee he can be, he is likely hiking or planning his next hike.
Peter can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3002.
Chief Planner
Kevin W. Geiger, AICP, CFM
Kevin has been at TRORC since 1999, coming here from the regional planning commission for the Northeast Kingdom where he was their Assistant Director. He holds a MS in Resource Management and Administration from Antioch New England Graduate School and a BA in Human Ecology from College of the Atlantic. Kevin helped form our brownfields and emergency management programs over the years, and has long led our land use planning program. He also now heads our climate change and housing policy areas, as well as overseeing all planning activities. He has also served on many boards and commissions, and led our regional sustainability plan and buyout programs. He is a great resource for towns to call with land use questions, and is always ready to do in-person trainings. Outside of work in late winter, Kevin can be found pruning apple trees and talking to them way too much.
Kevin can be reached [email protected] or at extension #3003.
Finance Manager
Christina Scott
Chris brings to our team extensive experience in Business Finance and Human Resource Management. True to her Pomfret, Vermont roots she was one of the last students to attend all the one room school houses and the first 6th grade class to graduate the “New” Pomfret elementary school when it was built. A graduate of Woodstock Union High School, followed by degrees from Hesser College and Colorado Technical University, Christina has driven her career with a focus on comradery and positivity in the workplace. She is excited to join TRORC to help build on the successes of our communities.
A resident of Hartford, outside of the office she can be found spending quality time with her family, attending (or coaching) kids’ sporting events, exploring new places, hiking waterfalls, running 5ks, and volunteering in the community.
Christina can be reached [email protected]rg.
Grants Manager
Kyra Wood
Kyra supports TRORC staff and planners by coordinating administrative components for projects and grants, as well as social media. She grew up in the Upper Valley and earned her degree in Public Health from the University of Vermont. Prior to joining TRORC, Kyra worked with several Vermont-based nonprofit organizations, focusing on initiatives that enhance community well-being. She has experience in project management and health equity, managing grants and budgets, and fostering partnerships with various stakeholders. In her free time, Kyra enjoys exploring hiking trails, painting, and playing board and card games with family and friends
Kyra can be reached [email protected] or at extension #3008.
GIS Manager
Pete Fellows, GISP, CFM
Pete has worked in GIS and planning for 15 years at two Regional Planning Commissions in Vermont and is a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) and Geographic Information System Professional (GISP). He obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees from, St. Lawrence and Syracuse Universities in New York State in Geography and Mathematics. Pete is in charge of GIS, field data collection and demographic data management and reporting at TRORC. His work includes the creation and maintenance of data and maps for inventories, zoning and town plans, regional maps, and numerous other map products. Pete also manages demographic data for use in reports and on the web as well as helping staff with Census data and other datasets.
He also manages the Forestry and Conservation programs and assists with the emergency operations and flood safety programs at TRORC. His professional interests include improving flood hazard data and data access for municipalities. He has recently worked on economic development data access and floodplain restoration. Pete wishes he had more vacation for messing around the tributaries to the Ottauquechee and backcountry skiing in Rochester and Bethel.
Pete can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3009.
Senior Planner
Rita Seto, AICP
Rita runs our Transportation Planning Program that includes access management, bike/pedestrian issues, elderly and disabled transportation, public transit, traffic counts, pavement and bridge project programming and represents our region in statewide modal planning efforts. She obtained an undergraduate degree in Geography from the University of Waterloo and a Masters In Urban Planning from McGill University. Rita also works with communities on local and regional planning projects including community development block grants(CDBG), in fact, she has most recently been responsible for bringing $1.9 million in CDBG funding to the TRORC region. She also provides GIS technical assistance, and assists with emergency management planning, regional capacity studies and other special projects. On a personal note, Rita is obsessed with baking goods for her coworkers and curling in her spare time in between juggling two toddlers.
Rita can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3004.
Senior Planner
Sarah Wraight, AICP
Sarah supports a variety of TRORC’s projects including brownfields assessment, Town plan and hazard mitigation plan projects, community visioning, village center designations, economic development, housing, and public health work. She earned her master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with a focus on Land Use and Environmental Planning. She also brings professional experience in environmental justice work, community outreach, transportation planning, Census data analysis, and mapping. Sarah spends her free time cooking, hiking, volunteering in the community, hanging out with friends and family, and helping her cat keep the couch warm.
Sarah can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3007.
Kyle Katz
Kyle provides planning support for regional and town planning projects including town plan updates and hazard mitigation plans. Kyle recently graduated from the University of Cincinnati’s Master of Community Planning program where he focused on urban agriculture, climate resilience planning, GIS mapping, and land use. Prior to pursuing planning, Kyle served in the Peace Corps in Paraguay as an agricultural extension volunteer on small-scale agriculture projects in a rural farming community. Kyle has also worked in the nonprofit sector on environmental justice, urban agriculture, and community development projects.
As a Vermont native, Kyle is happy to be back in his home state, where he enjoys hiking and biking, attending farmer’s markets, and exploring the many cultural activities Vermont has to offer.
Kyle can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3005.
Sydney Steinle
Sydney’s main duties include writing and revising town plans, hazard mitigation plans, and zoning bylaws. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Grinnell College, and a Master’s in Community and Regional Planning from Iowa State University. She brings experience in survey creation, editing, and Capital Improvement Plans. Sydney considers both Iowa and Kansas “home,” but looks forward to adding Vermont to that list. In her free time, Sydney enjoys baking sourdough bread, swimming, and reading.
Sydney can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3006.
Planner & Zone Agent
Meghan Asbury
Meghan focuses on community and economic development projects, including the Cornerstone Creative Community (3CVT) project and creative sector support as the Zone Agent. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Sustainability and the Built Environment from the University of Florida (her home state) and holds a Master’s degree in Urban and Environmental Planning from the University of Virginia. A community organizer at heart, she understands the importance of equitable collaboration in the public participation process. In her down time she can be found hiking, biking, and exploring all the breweries and farmers markets that New England has to offer.
Meghan can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3014.
Shared Energy Coordinator
Harry Falconer
Harry Falconer is the Shared Energy Coordinator (SEC), working with six towns that contract with TRORC to help plan and execute electrification and energy efficiency projects. He also leads TRORC’s efforts on the Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP), a state grant program that funds energy efficiency retrofits at town-owned buildings. He attended Boston University for his Master of City Planning and Emerson College for his Bachelor of Fine Arts in Literature and Creative Writing. In various past lives, he has been a bread baker, an EMT, and a reference librarian specializing in business and economic research. Originally from New Hampshire, Harry has a deep love for Northern New England and on weekends can often be found snowboarding or having way too much fun with a chainsaw at his family’s camp in Windsor County.
Harry can be reached [email protected] or at extension #3013.
Geena Baber
Geena’s projects include creating land development standards for urban heat mitigation strategies and providing technical support for the regional plan update. She received her Bachelor’s in Urban and Regional Studies from Cornell University and has experience working on a flood-resiliency project in Staten Island to researching housing insecurity in Rome. While her roots are in many places—the closest one being Kennebunk, ME—she is excited to make Upper Valley her new home and cannot wait to take up trail running and cross-country skiing in the winter.
Geena can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3010.
Bryan Kovalick
Bryan studied Sociology at the College of Wooster. There he completed an independent study of cohousing communities and interned with local housing organizations. As an undergrad, Bryan spent a semester at American University studying community development. After graduating, Bryan moved into an intentional community in Washington, DC and completed a service year as an AmeriCorps VISTA. Bryan then worked for several years on IT contracts at a federal government agency. Bryan recently graduated with his Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he pursued an environmental planning concentration. Since graduating, Bryan has interned with an environmental nonprofit, a regional planning organization, and a municipal government. In his spare time, Bryan enjoys hiking and biking in the summer and ice skating in the winter. He is also looking forward to exploring the region’s local craft breweries.
Bryan can be reached at [email protected] or at extension #3011.
Support Staff
Compliance Manager
Quita Steinle
Performs thorough reviews of offices, hands, shoes, treats, and lunches to maintain orderly staff operations. When she’s not working, she enjoys hiking, ball sports, and spending time with friends.