A ‘brownfield’ is typically an industrial or commercial property that is abandoned, idled or underused. These sites would likely be viable commercial, industrial or public use properties if they could be cleared of suspected contamination.
The overall goal of the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Brownfields Program is to promote redevelopment and create vitality within downtowns and village centers by returning brownfield properties to active commercial use or public greenspace. Reutilization of historically productive properties creates employment opportunities, increases municipal tax revenue, enhances community appearance, and protects the public’s health.
TRORC has received over $2,000,000 in funding from the EPA over the past two decades to assess brownfield sites in the Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Region, focusing on petroleum and hazardous waste assessments. We work closely with Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VT DEC) staff to promote redevelopment of brownfields properties, including enrolling properties in Vermont’s Brownfields Reuse and Environmental Liability Limitation Act (BRELLA) program.
No one should ever buy a property with past commercial use without first doing a Phase 1 assessment, the minimum due diligence needed to avoid federal liability. Don’t let a Brownfields site continue to blight your community and take up valuable space! Contact us to see if we can do an Environmental Assessment for you at no cost. TRORC may be able to provide technical assistance, access to consultants that will conduct site investigations and remedial planning, outreach to the community and site neighbors, and other environmental management support as necessary. TRORC staff will assist the applicant in enrolling in the Vermont BRELLA program and can bridge the gap between a privately owned site and government officials.
Assessments will only be conducted on eligible properties where owner permission has been granted. Since these funds are limited and participation is totally voluntary, we can only help those that ask. If the assessment determines that cleanup is needed, TRORC and its partners will help property owners seek funds to undertake the cleanup.
For Private or Non-profit ownership:
TRORC can only assist with Brownfield assessments. In order to pursue additional cleanup funding Vermont DEC has a Technical Assistance Program:
Call Sarah Wraight at (802) 457-3188 ext. 3007 or email her at [email protected] if you know of a site that TRORC might be able to help address. All inquiries are completely confidential.
Brownfields Links
- EPA’s National Brownfields website
- EPA’s New England Brownfields website
- Petroleum Cleanup Fund
- TRORC Brownfields Brochure
- Vermont Brownfields Reuse Initiative
- BRELLA Application
Staff Contact:
Sarah Wraight, Senior Planner
[email protected] – 802-457-3188 ext. 3007