TRORC Training Opportunities
TRORC YouTube Channel with Training Videos
TRORC offers a variety of in-person workshops, downloadable PowerPoint presentations, white papers, and links to videos of presentations. We can also connect to a variety of partners for additional training on water quality, emergency management, forests and habitat, and road issues.
Please see below for our trainings on land use planning, river management and flooding, natural resources, transportation, data, mapping, and more!
If what you see here doesn’t meet your needs, please contact us. For general questions about trainings, please contact Kevin Geiger, Chief Planner at [email protected].
Land Use Primer – An Overview
An overview of land use planning and regulatory tools, including what they are and what they are not. This is aimed primarily at conveying a basic understanding of a town plan, zoning and subdivision bylaws, especially for towns without zoning.
Audience: General Public, New Planning Commissioners, Others
Level: Beginner
Essentials of Land Use Planning and Regulation
A more detailed overview of how to develop comprehensive plans and regulatory tools. The workshop also includes implementation of regulations and making decisions. This is aimed primarily at conveying a basic understanding of a town plan, zoning and subdivision bylaws.
Audience: Planning Commissioners and review boards
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Permitting Decisions
This workshop reviews the basic statutory requirements of making and writing permit decisions as well as more details as to how decisions actually get done. It is not specific to any particular approval process.
Audience: Development Review Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Bylaw Administrator
Level: Intermediate
Available: White paper or in-person
Subdivision Review
This workshop gives an overview of the subdivision review process, and can be customized for your town’s bylaws. We’ll look at a proposed plat, decisions, bonding, and the use of standards during reviews.
Audience: Development Review Board, Planning Commission, Zoning Bylaw Administrator
Level: Intermediate
Available in-person
Removing Barriers to Workforce Housing
This training provides an overview of why workforce housing is an essential element of a healthy community, common impediments in town plans and bylaws to the production of moderate priced housing, regulatory incentives to create such housing, and plan policies that can be used in Act 250 to require desired residential construction.
Audience: Planning Commission, Selectboard, Other
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
The Basics of a Capital Budget and Program
This workshop provides an overview of the Capital Budget and Program (CB&P) which is authorized in State statute. TRORC’s staff will outline the purpose of a CB&P and provide guidance on how to link it with the Town Plan and policies. Examples of effective Capital Budgets and Plans will be provided.
Audience: Planning Commission, Selectboard, Budget Committee
Level: Intermediate
Available: Capital Budgeting Presentation-Revised Power Point slides or in-person
River Management & Flooding
Flood Plain Regulations For Real Estate Professionals
This workshop is designed to familiarize real estate agents with local flood regulations, including where to find the regulations, how to read and interpret them, and what to do if the real estate agent believes a map is inaccurate. This workshop will also focus on the ways that flood regulations can impact a prospective landowners’ ability to develop a parcel, what kinds of additional flood risks might exist (but not be documented on official maps), and general information about the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Audience: Real Estate Professionals
Level: Beginner
Available in-person
Flood Plain Regulations for Zoning Administrators
This workshop is an in-depth, hands-on exploration of how to administer flood regulations. It also includes a review of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Audience: Zoning Bylaw Administrators or Administrative Officers, Selectboard
Level: Intermediate
Available in-person
TRORC Staff Contact: Kevin Geiger, Chief Planner, [email protected]
Natural Resources & Conservation
Municipal Planning to Protect Natural Resources
This workshop will focus on why natural resources are so important and how a community can develop a town plan with policies that serve to protect these as well as set the stage for later regulations. TRORC’s staff can make specific recommendations for plan updates.
Audience: Planning Commission, Selectboard, Conservation Commission, Other
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Available: Wellborn Bylaws and Ecosystem Protection PowerPoint Slides, or in-person
Putting Ecological Considerations into Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws
This workshop will focus on how a community can use subdivision regulations to best protect forests, wetlands, vernal pools, agricultural soils, floodplains, and surface water. TRORC’s staff can make specific recommendations for development review and bylaw updates. Audience: Planning Commission, Selectboard, Conservation Commission, Other. Level: Beginner/Intermediate. Available as PowerPoint slides or in-person.
Audience: Development Review Board, Planning Commission, Conservation Commission, Selectboard
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Available: Putting Ecological Considerations into Subdivision Review PowerPoint slides, or in-person
TRORC Staff Contact: Kevin Geiger, Chief Planner, [email protected]
Implementation of Complete Streets
An overview of Vermont’s Complete Streets legislation and how Town Highway Departments should consider the law when performing major road construction projects.
Audience: Road Foreman, Town Highway Department, Planning Commission, Selectboard.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Available in-person
Highway Timesheet Program
A presentation on the Excel-based program that can assist a Highway Department in tracking personnel time, activity, materials, equipment and maintenance hours by road.
Audience: Road Foreman, Town Highway Department, Selectboard.
Level: Beginner
Available in-person
Transportation Grants
This workshop can provide an overview of any of the following programs: VTrans Transportation Alternatives, VTrans Bike Ped, VTrans Safe Routes to School, VTrans Municipal Park and Ride Program, and the Downtown Transportation Fund. TRORC’s staff will discuss how your town can take advantage of these grant programs to accomplish a variety of tasks, such as conducting a feasibility study or constructing sidewalks, bike paths, and park and ride facilities.
Audience: Selectboard, Planning Commission, Town Highway Department.
Level: Beginner
Available in-person
TRORC Staff Contact: Rita Seto, Senior Planner – [email protected]
Data Collection & Mapping
Parcel Mapping
TRORC’s GIS Manager will discuss the issues surrounding tax parcel mapping, including how to hire a contractor, understand surveys and acreages, use the grand list, and handle updates. TRORC’s staff will also provide information on what kinds of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or digital mapping information is available, and how the town can access and utilize these resources.
Audience: Planning Commission, Town Clerk, Town Administrator, Other.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Available in-person
How to Map Your Community
Learn about free online mapping resources, including the Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI), the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources’ (ANR) Biofinder, the ANR Natural Resources Atlas, the Vermont Energy Atlas, and Google Earth.
Audience: Selectboard, Planning Commission, Conservation Commission, Energy Committee, Other.
Level: Beginner
Available in-person
Finding and Understanding Census Data
This workshop is aimed at teaching you how to use (and not become frustrated with) American FactFinder 2 and OnTheMap Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics.
Audience: Planning Commission, Selectboard, Town Administrators, Other.
Level: Beginner or Intermediate
Available in-person.
Conducting a Wildlife Inventory & Mapping Habitat
TRORC’s staff will discuss how to complete a wildlife inventory (from using volunteers to hiring a consultant) and then how to interpret and use the resulting data to inform your community’s Town Plan and zoning bylaws. Please note that TRORC does not have a wildlife biologist or forester on staff; however, we are happy to help your town arrange the actual inventory with someone who is qualified in this regard.
Audience: Planning Commission, Conservation Commission.
Level: Beginner or Intermediate
Available as PowerPoint slides or in-person.
TRORC Staff Contact: Pete Fellows, GIS Manager, [email protected]
Emergency Management
Role of Selectboards and Local Officials in Emergency Management
TRORC’s staff will describe the often overlooked role of Selectboards in emergencies, including their role as the Board of Health and default Emergency Management Coordinator.
Audience: New or existing Selectboard Members, Town Managers, Town Clerks, Treasurers, or those who have not yet experienced a major disaster while working in town government.
Level: Beginner
Available in-person
The Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP)
This workshop reviews the elements of a LEOP and discusses its use as a planning and response tool.
Audience: Selectboard, Town Manager, Town Administrator, and Emergency Coordinator or Director.
Level: Beginner
Available in-person
Emergency Management: The Town’s Role in a Larger Context
This workshop is meant to give town officials a mental road map to the larger world of disaster response. TRORC’s staff will review the Incident Command System, the phases of emergencies, and the state’s disaster server (DLAN). We’ll also discuss the roles of the Regional Planning Commissions, as well as State and Federal government.
Audience: Selectboard, Town Manager, Emergency Coordinator, Other.
Available in-person
Disaster Response Under a Federal Declaration
This workshop provides an overview of the process of a declaration, the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) role in disasters, and includes a variety of tips on how to best structure your local response and recovery to maximize the benefits and minimize the headaches.
Audience: Road Foreman, Selectboard, Town Administrator, Emergency Coordinator, and Treasurer.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Available in-person
Introduction to Participating in Local Emergency Management
This workshop is a crash course aimed at volunteers or adjunct staff wanting to assist towns in times of disaster. It provides an overview of the field of emergency management, Incident Command System, Vermont’s and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) role in disasters, and ways that a volunteer can fit into this system.
Audience: Volunteers and local staff not usually involved in emergencies.
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Available in-person
View this pre-recorded video.
Other Emergency Trainings
TRORC’s staff can work to facilitate training or exercises offered by 2-1-1, the Red Cross, Vermont CERT, the State Police and Fire Academies, and the Vermont Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security.
You can visit the State training calendar at
TRORC Staff Contact: Kevin Geiger, Chief Planner, [email protected]