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Community meetings on Cable TV

Vermont’s 25 Community Media Access Centers are the nonprofit, interactive, community-based alternatives to broadcast commercial and public TV.  “Hyperlocal” by design, and often called “PEG Access,” we:

  • cover local meetings and events,
  • offer residents free equipment and training to produce their own programs,
  • provide free cable television channel time and an Internet platform to exhibit programs, announce local events and celebrate our First Amendment rights to free speech.
CVTV Central Vermont Television Chelsea, Royalton, Tunbridge
CATV8 Community Access Television Hartford, Hartland, Norwich
KATV Kingdom Access TV Bradford, Newbury
ORCA Onion River Community Access Media Bethel, Braintree, Randolph, Rochester
OVTV Okemo Valley TV Plymouth
WCTV8 Woodstock Community TV Bridgewater, Hartland, Woodstock