May 27, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm America/New York Timezone
TRORC Board Meetings

NOTE: Virtual Meeting                                                         

Under Act 92, this Board is legally allowed to host electronic meetings due to the COVID-19 situation. If you need accommodations for this meeting, please contact Peter Gregory at [email protected]


Proposed Agenda

  1. Call to Order. Approval of the Agenda (Action)
  2. Public Comments
  3. Public Hearing – Rochester Town Plan Approval
  4. Public Hearing – Confirmation of Rochester Planning Efforts
  5. Public Hearing – Determination of Energy Compliance of Rochester Town Plan
  6. Vote on Approval of Town Plan and Confirmation of Planning Efforts (Action)
  7. Vote on Determination of Energy Compliance of Rochester Town Plan (Action)
  8. Vote to approve TRORC Board minutes from April 22, 2020 (enclosed)
  9. Vote to accept the April Financial Reports (enclosed)
  10. Proposal on a draft Regional Plan changes (memo enclosed)
  11. Vote to accept changes and authorize staff to set final public hearing and arrange vote to adopt Regional Plan. (Action)
  12. Commissioner reports on local Covid-19 response and recovery activities
  13. Executive Director updates –
    1. TRORC COVID-19 activities; preliminary FY 21 budget; TRORC Annual Meeting; Regional Energy Coordinator
  14. Other


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Meeting ID: 92219385199

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+1-646-558-8656,, 92219385199# US (New York)


TP public notice 2020 Rochester Town Plan

TP public notice 2020 Rochester Energy Plan