February 21, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Bethel Town Hall
Kevin Geiger
Other Meetings
  1. Call to order – Mark Warner, Chair
  2. Introductions
  3. Approval of minutes for 12/20/18 (attached)
  4. Action on TRORC invoice ($2,626.99).
  5. Treasurer’s report – John Durkee, Treasurer
  6. Hartford’s Tier II System – Scott Cooney, Hartford Fire Chief
  7. CERT Update – Brad Salzmann
  8. Other Business/Upcoming Trainings
    1. TRORC Housekeeping
  1. Tabletop Exercises
  2. Reminder: LEMP’s due May 1st
  • Tier II Reporting for Municipalities
  1. SEOC Training Curriculum
  2. ISC 402 Course, April 17 at King Farm in Woodstock, VT from 6-8pm.
    1. Other comments – members


LEPC12 Next meeting – April 18, 2019 in Fairlee: suggestions for a presentation welcome!