Better Roads Program

TRORC has recently assisted 20 towns with 36 applications to the Vermont Better Roads Grant Program.  Those applications total $1.8 million in project costs requesting $700,000 in grant funds.  The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTRANS) announced the 20th year of funding to support projects on municipal roads that improve water quality and result in maintenance cost savings. The grant funds are provided by the VTRANS in partnership with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR).

The Better Roads Program promotes the use of erosion control and maintenance techniques that save money while protecting and enhancing water quality around the State. Many town projects for bank stabilizations or culvert replacements were identified and application ready through previous planning work conducted by the Town and TRORC; such as, culvert inventories, hazard mitigation plans and watershed plans.

“It’s rewarding to see all the hard work put into the planning efforts with the road foreman to get funded and fix what they set out to do. We’re helping towns check projects off the To-Do list and building a stronger infrastructure network.” says Rita Seto, Senior Transportation Planner who leads the application process with towns.


For more information or questions, please contact Rita Seto, Senior Transportation Planner at [email protected] or 802-457-3188.