TRORC is here to help businesses:

  • Navigate local and state permitting processes.
  • Provide demographic and town level data for your use.
  • Help you write your “Continuity of Operations Plan.”
  • Help you navigate the Act 250 permitting process.

“About Permitting” FAQ:

Act 250 and Other Permitting:

Business assistance partners:

TRORC’s partners are also ready and able to provide businesses with several programs.  Vermont’s regional offices of the Small Business Development Center offer support to both startup and existing business.  Green Mountain Economic Development Corporation (GMEDC) is the regional development corporation for the TRORC area, and they house a SBDC office and offer assistance on financing, site selection, and workforce training.


Too often, individuals or businesses approach the permit process backwards, designing a project and then trying to get it permitted.  A design that does not meet permit standards wastes everyone’s time and money.  Vermont is a small state with very approachable agencies and officials.  Before beginning a project, contact the town zoning administrator for a walk though of the local regulations.

ACT 250 Permits

If it will trigger Act 250, contact Kevin Geiger at [email protected]  to discuss how it can comply with the Regional Plan, as well as the regional Permit Specialist for a Project Review sheet that goes over all state permits.

Links for Businesses:

Staff Contacts

Peter Gregory
[email protected]

Meghan Asbury

[email protected]