Annual Meeting
Learn about new funding opportunities available from Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) and share how they can best help you overcome challenges to build and renovate affordable housing.
Open to anyone interested in creating and preserving affordable housing, including small and aspiring developers. Light refreshments served.
Election of Officers
Bylaw change (Kevin)
Update on funding (Kevin)
Update on housing work (Kevin)
If something arises and you cannot make the TRORF meeting, please let me know. If you can still attend virtually for some reason instead, that would be good as I would rather not cancel again. Please use this link below, which is different than for our Board meeting.
Topic: TRORF meeting
Time: Oct 25, 2023 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 882 9107 7829
Passcode: 076238
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Click here for meeting agenda.
September meeting minutes for approval
Click here to view meeting agenda.
Join TRORC and the Vermont Natural Resources Board for this invaluable training on the Act 250 permitting process. You’ll learn: what Act 250 does and does not do, what types of projects it applies to, and how the permitting process works.
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 297 236 918 032
Passcode: N9C9dJ
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+1 802-828-7667,,587338352# United States, Montpelier
Phone Conference ID: 587 338 352#
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