- When:
January 25, 2017 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
America/New York Timezone
- Cost:
- Free
- Categories:
- Other Meetings Workshops/Training
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the VT State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) invites you to a free half-day compliance assistance workshop on Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Clean Air Act, Section 112(r) Risk Management Program (RMP). These workshops are designed for environmental compliance managers. The workshop will cover threshold determinations, exemptions and other commonly asked questions. For compliance with EPCRA and RMP, there are various planning and reporting requirements on businesses and industries that store and/or use certain chemicals and materials.
EPCRA and RMP were designed to protect your business, your employees and your community should a chemical accident occur. The EPCRA data and Risk Management Plan better prepares emergency response personnel and the community to handle an incident should one occur. The RMP program requires the submission of a RMP plan and coordination with the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) prior to the storage of RMP chemicals above the threshold quantities.
Let us help you to make your business and community a safer place. EPCRA requires facilities having certain chemicals, with quantities as low as one pound, to submit annual chemical inventory (Tier 2) reports. For calendar year 2016, the reporting deadline is March 1, 2017. By attending a workshop, you could avoid an enforcement action under EPCRA resulting in penalties of up to $37,500 per chemical violation, per day. Likewise, the Risk Management Plan helps to ensure the safe storage, use and processing of chemicals at a facility. In the event of inclement weather, these workshops may be cancelled without notice.
EPCRA & RMP Workshop Agenda
8:00 Sign-in & Network
8:30 Welcome & Overview
8:45 What is and how do I report an Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS)
9:00 What must be reported on my Tier2 form
9:30 Reporting electronically via Tier2 Electronic Reporting Software
10:15 How do I use the “List of Lists”
10:30 Break
10:40 How does the new Global Harmonized SDS affect Tier2 Reporting
11:20 EPCRA State Program official
11:40 Who must comply with the CAA Risk Management Program?
Noon Adjourn
Workshop Dates — Please put a check mark next to the workshop you plan on attending
_____ January 25, 2017 – 8:00 AM-Noon- Middlebury College; Axinn Center, Room 232, 15 Old Chapel
Road, Middlebury, VT. Parking in the Center for Performing Arts parking lot(Q-lot)
_____ January 26, 2017 – 8:00 AM- Noon- Lyndon Public Safety Building Conference Room;
316 Main St. (Route 5) Lyndonville, VT
Parking is on the side of the building or across the street.
To find out about other Tier 2 workshops in New England go to EPA’s web calendar at www.epa.gov/region01/cal. For general EPCRA information, please call the EPCRA Hotline at (800) 424-9346. For information on Tier 2 reporting requirements visit www.epa.gov/emergencies/content/epcra/tier2.htm#tierii
Deadline: Please register No Later Than Three Days Prior to the applicable workshop date.
Name:__________________________________ Company:______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________ E-Mail __________________________________
Please Email to: [email protected]
Please Note: You WILL receive an email confirmation of your registration.
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA)
Reporting examples — chemicals, items, substances, products and mixtures
Ammonia (gas & solutions)
Batteries (forklifts, generators)
Cement/Sand/ Flyash
Compressed Gases (O2; H2; CO2; N2)
Gasoline/Diesel Fuels
Heating Oil
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Refrigerants (ammonia; R22;R56)
Hydraulic fluid
Typical industry and business sectors that have EPCRA reporting requirements
Auto Body
Bus Companies
Chemical Formulators
Cold Storage/Ice Manufacturing
Concrete (ready-mix)
Golf Courses
Ice Rinks
Chemical Distribution
Metal Fabrication
Metal Plating
POTWs/Water Treatment Plants
Plastic Manufacturers & Processors
Recreational Facilities
Schools (Private)
Scrap Yards
Reporting Examples
- Most pesticides contain extremely hazardous substances and have Tier 2 reporting thresholds from 1-10,000 lbs.
- If you store more than 1,562 gallons of Heating Oil, you have exceeded the reporting threshold.
- A walk-in cooler or refrigeration system with more than 500 lbs of ammonia requires reporting.
- A facility with 500 lbs of nitric or sulfuric acid must report.
- If you use 100 lbs. of Hydrofluoric Acid (Hydrogen Fluoride).
- If you alter (cut, weld, grind, braze) more than 10,000 lbs of metal stock, your facility must report.
- If you sell or service industrial batteries that contain sulfuric acid, you may have to report.
- Contractors may have a reporting responsibility for construction materials on site.
- Owners, operators, or renters of warehouses may have to report.
- Bleaching/cleaning solutions containing sodium hypochlorite are reportable.
- If you have a total of 10,000 lbs (2,500 gallons) of Propane for heating or distribution, you must report.
The EPCRA Hotline (800) 424-9346