June 1, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 3:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Hartford Area Career and Technology Center
1 Gifford Rd
White River Junction, VT 05001

We keep hearing about the housing crisis. Did you know you can be part of the solution?


At the HOME CREATORS EXPO 2024, attend workshops and get answers to your questions and the how-tos about:

Adding an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to your home or house lot

Converting a single-family home to multi-family

Developing a “cottage cluster” of smaller homes

Setting up a stable and mutually beneficial “homeshare”

Last year’s inaugural Home Creators Expo left people clamoring for more! Don’t miss this lively day of learning how YOU can create housing for the benefit of yourself, your neighborhood, and your community!

Hosted by Vital Communities, Keys to the Valley (The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, the Two Rivers Ottauquechee Planning Commission, and the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission), Town of Hartford, and HACTC. Sponsored by Dartmouth Health and the East Central Vermont Economic Development District.

Please park in front of the high school off Hanover Street. There are stairs to the HACTC entrance to the right of the high school building. The parking lot in front of HACTC is reserved for those with accessibility needs.

See the agenda for the event here

Register for the event here