April 22, 2020 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm America/New York Timezone
TRORC Board Meetings


  1. Call to Order; Approval of the Agenda; Public Comment
  2. Public Hearing – Norwich Town Plan Approval
  3. Public Hearing – Confirmation of Planning Efforts for Norwich
  4. Action on Town Plan Approval and Confirmation for Norwich
  5. Approval of the TRORC Board Meeting Minutes for March 25, 2020 (attached)
  6. Acceptance of the March 2020 Financial Reports (attached)
  7. Updates:  Regional Energy Coordinator; TRORC Regional Plan; COVID -19 efforts; Commissioner Items
  8. Other

Under Act 92, this Board is legally allowed to host electronic meetings due to the COVID-19 situation. If you need accommodations for this meeting, please contact Peter Gregory at [email protected]


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Meeting ID: 948 3972 0230

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Meeting ID: 948 3972 0230