Our staff are a valuable technical resource to the mostly volunteer local officials of our Region. Call or email us if you have questions. In addition to specific technical assistance services for municipal officials, we offer a wide range of trainings for municipal officials. We can offer many trainings in person or remotely.

Our services below are generally provided without charge, but projects requiring significant time are done under contract.

TRORC Technical assistance includes:

Assistance to Planning Commissions:

We help with the drafting or review of town plans, zoning and subdivision bylaws, flood hazard area regulations, special studies and GIS mapping.

Assistance to Selectboards:

We help with adoption of plans and bylaws, road policies, health ordinances, disaster recovery, solid waste planning, permitting junk yards, permit enforcement, grant writing and administration.

Assistance to Conservation Commissions:

We help with educational programs, grant writing, recreation planning, water quality planning, forest block and open space planning, farm preservation, and specialized GIS mapping.

Zoning Administrators and ZBAs/DRBs:

We assist in specific permit reviews on request and the general administration of bylaws.

Assistance to Energy Coordinators/Committees:

We help with the drafting or review of the energy section of town plans, and general energy conservation efforts or energy generation permit review.

Assistance to Housing Commissions:

We help with providing data, and assistance in developing affordable housing.

Staff Contact:

Kevin Geiger, Chief Planner
[email protected]