The Public Service Department and the Clean Energy Development Fund (CEDF) seek proposals for installations of equipment that recover heat from compost. Total funding available through this solicitation is $63,000.
Proposed projects should promote the development and deployment of cost-effective, replicable technology that benefits Vermont electricity customers and/or users of heat energy.
All projects must be farm-based. All awards will be made through this competitive RFP process.
Awardees will be subjected to transparency and reporting requirements including, but not limited to: reporting, tracking and documentation of incurred costs, and access to records. Respondents are encouraged to thoroughly review this RFP. Award recipients will be expected to provide one year of operational data, as well as other information detailed below.
Proposals must be for projects based in Vermont. All projects must be installed within 12 months of the award agreement being executed.
Minimum cost share is required. Grants shall cover no more than 40% of the cost of the equipment used to recover heat, regardless of total project cost.
Projects that are part of farm or food waste digesters that have or will participate in the Vermont Standard Offer program are not eligible for grants from the CEDF.
View the RFP here: RFP for Compost Heat Recovery Grants 2018