
TRORC Awards 10 Scholarships to Recent High School Graduates

(Woodstock, VT)— The Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission (TRORC) would like to congratulate the recipients of the TRORC 2022 Scholarship Program. Recipients were announced at the Annual Meeting of TRORC on June 22, 2022 and will receive $1,000 each toward the cost of their higher education pursuits. The TRORC scholarship is intended to encourage and recognize high school students pursuing career and life choices consistent with the vision and values of vibrant and sustainable communities as articulated in the TRORC Regional Plan. This year’s TRORC scholarship recipients are Bethany LaRowe Davis and Nora Knudsen of Hartford High School, Keenan Thygesen of Kimball Union Academy, Emily Schulze of Oxbow High School, Iris Fukushima of Rivendell Academy, Gretta Koppers and Macey Smith of Thetford Academy, Bazel Russell of White River Valley High School, and Bronwyn Morris and Morgan Myers of Woodstock High School. Congratulations to these outstanding young adults and best wishes in their future endeavors!

Contact Peter Gregory at pgregory at trorc.org for more information.