The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation (FPR) is accepting pre-applications for proposed recreational trail projects from municipalities, non-profit organizations and other governmental agencies.

Enclosed is the 2016 Recreational Trails Program (RTP) pre-application, and other grant program information.

The goal of this program is to provide grants to develop and maintain a wide variety of recreational trails in Vermont for public use.

Eligible project categories include construction, maintenance and development of new trails, trailheads and trailside amenities. Trail-related educational components are encouraged.

• Pre-applications are due from prospective applicants by December 1, 2015.
• Full grant applications are due February 1, 2016.
If you are planning a trail project to get underway next summer or fall, and it’s eligible for these grant funds, submit an electronic copy of your pre-application proposal by December 1, 2015 to FPR’s Program Manager Sherry Winnie @: [email protected]

For more information about this program, you may contact Sherry via email or telephone 802-760-8450, or go to:

Sherry Winnie
Grant Programs Manager
Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation
1 National Life Drive, Davis 2
Montpelier, VT 05620-3801
Tel: 802-760-8450
Email: [email protected]


Pre-application here.

Application here.

Budget sheet here.