Annual Meeting
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 846 7158 8998
Passcode: TRORC-HBM1
Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 893 0818 1563
Passcode: TRORC-HBM2
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 1440 4213
Passcode: 356308
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,81214404213#,,,,*356308# US (New York)
+16513728299,,81214404213#,,,,*356308# US (Minnesota)
Proposed Agenda
1. Call to Order/Approval of Agenda/Introductions/Public Comment on items not on the
Agenda – 6:30 p.m.
2. Public Hearing. Proposed Hancock Town Plan review and Hancock Confirmation
3. Hancock Town Plan Approval and Hancock Confirmation of Planning Effort – Action.
4. Approval of the TRORC Board Minutes from February 23, 2022
5. Acceptance of unaudited Financial Reports from February and March, 2022
6. Presentation of TRORC Strategic Plan Draft – Possible Action Kevin Geiger facilitated the Strategic Plan Committee’s work and will walk through the
changes that the Committee agreed to and is proposing for adoption.
7. Staff/Commissioner Updates
a. Commissioner Items
b. Annual Meeting; Volunteer of the Year Nominations
c. Project Updates
d. Legislative Updates
e. Other
8. Adjournment – 7:30 p.m.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 881 4702 8086
Passcode: 799388
Join by phone: 646-518-9805
In collaboration with the Vermont Creative Network (VCN), Two Rivers-Ottauquechee
Regional Commission (TRORC) is hosting two opportunities to participate in virtual forums
for people and businesses in the Creative Economy that were impacted by Covid19.
Both forums will be conducted via Zoom and contain the same information.
Forum Registration Link:
Please make sure you are registered prior to joining the forum
Attendees will:
- Hear from the TRORC, 3CVT, and VCN team on upcoming business trainings
- Connect with other people and businesses in the Creative Sector
- Receive access to economic recovery resources
Once registered, attendees will receive a link the meeting and to a Google Doc that
attendees can use to enter their questions, provide comments, and share
resources. We will use the contents of the Google Doc to guide the forums.
Please insert your questions and comments prior to joining your selected forum.
There are a broad range of activities that Conservation Commissions can engage in, from stewarding town owned land to advising on land use planning to developing educational programs and volunteer opportunities. With all these options, it can be overwhelming and it requires careful planning to help a Conservation Commission move forward. Sometimes commissions need to take a fresh look at what they’re doing and make small adjustments to get the group on the same page or get more people involved. Last year the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions partnered with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to produce a new version of the Conservation Commission Handbook as a reference for commissions to use. This webinar will provide ideas for reinvigorating your commission including outreach, strategic planning and the basics that make Conservation Commission an awesome volunteer opportunity
- Jens Hilke, Conservation Planner, VT Fish & Wildlife Department
Repeat sessions of this webinar will be offered on the following two dates:
- Session 1: Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 11:00am-12:00pm. REGISTER HERE
- Session 2: Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 3:00pm-4:00pm. REGISTER HERE
TRORC will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at the Thompson Senior Center in West Woodstock and via Zoom.
Agenda with zoom info is below:
In collaboration with the Vermont Creative Network (VCN), Two Rivers-Ottauquechee
Regional Commission (TRORC) is hosting two opportunities to participate in virtual forums
for people and businesses in the Creative Economy that were impacted by Covid19.
Both forums will be conducted via Zoom and contain the same information.
Forum Registration Link:
Please make sure you are registered prior to joining the forum
Attendees will:
- Hear from the TRORC, 3CVT, and VCN team on upcoming business trainings
- Connect with other people and businesses in the Creative Sector
- Receive access to economic recovery resources
Once registered, attendees will receive a link the meeting and to a Google Doc that
attendees can use to enter their questions, provide comments, and share
resources. We will use the contents of the Google Doc to guide the forums.
Please insert your questions and comments prior to joining your selected forum.