- When:
July 15, 2020 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
America/New York Timezone
Public Forum on Bethel Town Plan Update
Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 7:00-8:00 PM
Free and Open to the Public
The Town of Bethel’s Planning Commission has been working to update the Town Plan, which was last revised in 2014. Please join us as we discuss what we value about living in Bethel and what we want to work toward for the Town’s future. The Town Plan is a long-term vision for the future of the Bethel, touching on many different aspects of community life, including: housing, education, utilities and public infrastructure, economic development, health, emergency services, energy, natural and cultural resources, agriculture and forestry, recreation, transportation, land use, and flood resilience.
The draft updated plan is available for public review on the Town’s website: https://townofbethelvt.com/index.asp?SEC=DC39E7DA-641A-4EAA-A630-8D526D5389E0
The 2014 version of the Town Plan can be viewed here: https://www.trorc.org/towns/bethel/
Hard copies are available upon request; please contact Therese Kirby (802-234-9340).
This meeting will be held remotely; access information is as follows:
Join by computer: https://zoom.us/j/96318484975
OR join by Phone: (267) 831-0333, then enter the Meeting ID: 963 1848 4975.
There is no participant ID.
It is recommended to access the meeting by phone OR by computer, but not by both, as doing so may create feedback on the line.