Training is a necessity when it comes to any emergency response. Disasters can quickly create situations that even seasoned responders have not dealt with or that involve many agencies that usually don’t work together working on the same scene. Proper training will help to minimize risks to responders and maximize aid to victims.
All responders are encouraged to have a basic understanding of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as well as awareness level training in hazardous materials. In order to facilitate coordinated action, communities should consider having not just their emergency response agencies exposed to these concepts, but also school officials, road crews, and elected officials.
The LEPC is not a training organization, but we occasionally sponsor training and we can publicize trainings by our members that are open to outside agencies. Since this training is so time-sensitive, please see our News and Events page for any upcoming LEPC related training.
The links below are to the more established training programs.
EMD Certification Program
The Emergency Management Director (EMD) Certification Program is newly revised (July 2018). This program is designed to recognize superior acheivements in the EMD position. See the memo and training requirements below.
FEMA Training Programs
FEMA provides many programs, courses, and materials to support emergency preparedness and response for emergency personnel as well as the general public. These are available through the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and the US Fire Academy, both in Emmitsburg, MD. Courses are available as resident, state-led or independent study classes. You can also take FEMA courses online as an independent study.
Vermont Emergency Management Trainings
All trainings held by Vermont Emergency Management are posted on the Learning Management System (LMS). You can register and view trainings on that site, you must have an account in order to do so.