November 8, 2018 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am America/New York Timezone
Royalton Town Office
2460 VT-14
South Royalton, VT 05068
Rita Seto
TAC Meetings

1. Introductions.
2. Approval of September 13 minutes
3. Stagecoach’s new routes and services – Nick D’Agostino Stagecoach has been undergoing organization restructuring with Addison County Transit Resources (ACTR) forming the umbrella organization Tri-Valley Transit. Nick will present some of the commuter routes that have been re-configured as well as new service routes being offered in the region.
E&D services – Nick and Rita
Discussion about E&D transportation services available in the region, what’s covered, who’s eligible, etc. Discussion of the region’s E&D Transportation Partner’s group.
VTrans Public Transit Policy Plan update and regional forum outreach – Rita
4. Other business
• VTrans TAP grants submitted
• VTrans Better Roads submitted
• VTrans/ACCD Better Connections Grant – Nov. 2 announcement
Future meeting topics? Next meeting on Thursday January 10, 2019