Energy Data
When planning for your community’s energy future, it’s important to get a sense of existing energy uses and generation. Here are some guiding questions to consider while collecting data and planning for the future:
- What energy resources are being used and by whom (residents, businesses, municipal government)?
- Where do these resources come from (are they produced in this town, region, state, or country)?
- Does your community have the geologic/geographic/climactic capacity to produce different types of energy resources, and if so, what kind and where?
- What is the financial and environmental impact of current energy use on your community (residents, businesses, municipal government)?
- Existing and potential renewable energy resources in your town
PACKETS for Town Energy Projections and Targets: Barnard, Bethel, Bradford, Braintree, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Chelsea, Fairlee, Granville, Hancock, Hartford, Hartland, Newbury, Norwich, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Pomfret, Randolph, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon, Stockbridge, Strafford, Thetford, Topsham, Tunbridge, Vershire, West Fairlee, Woodstock.
Community Energy Dashboard
This Community Energy Dashboard, developed by Brighter Vermont and the Vermont League of Cities and Town (VLCT), offers a variety of resources for energy and climate planning at the municipal level. You will find the dashboard at
Generation/Grid Constraints
- Summary of 2019 Report on Generation Constraints, VT Dept. of Public ServiceWho’s who in Vermont’s electric system?
- ISO New England Real-Time Charts and Maps
Interactive Maps
- Energy Planning Web Map
- GMP SOLAR Capacity Map 2.0
- GMP Three Phase Map
- GMP Streetlights
- National Energy Data from EIA